NECO English Language Obj And Essay/Theory and Test of orals Solution Questions and Answer – Oct/Nov 2020 Expo Runz.
The writer actively took part in making Mr. Francis
The students were funds of playing pranks because they thought Mr. Francis was weak.
The principal checked the writer’s academic records
The principal was surprised because his academic record spoke well of him.
Their performance was poor because they didn't pay attention in class
(i)Non Clause
(ii)Compliments the pronoun "Those"
(5g)Mr. Francis changed their attitude by not participating in cheating, and yet do well.
Refined - cultured
Pranks - practical jokes
Puzzled - perplexed
Sentence - Punishment
Retaliation - revenge
Considerably - appreciably
(i)Infant mortality can be reduced by exclusively breastfeeding infants for at least six months
(ii)Infant mortality can be reduced by maintaining good hygiene.
(iii)It can also be reduced by improving the diet of infants with Vitamin A
(i)A disease-free environment is possible by using clean water.
(ii)It is also possible by using latrines.
(iii)An environment will be free of diseases if food is stored properly.
3 Blessing Close,
Bonsaac, Asaba.
12th November, 2020.
Dear Sophia,
I received the news of your admission with great excitement. I am very glad you made the merit list; it shows you have been up and doing about your academic work. Dad was so impressed and full of praise for you when he called me on phone. I am aware you have started already. How are you doing? Hope you are coping?
I'd like to tell you a few things about the school. Firstly, you are lucky the school has moved to a new location which is nearer to the house. So you won't have issues with transportation. As you may have seen already, the compound is very big enough to accommodate a standard sporting field. During exam period, I used to prefer there for reading because it is usually less crowded with no noise.
The school is very competitive. For instance, if a student failed either Mathematics or English, he or she would be promoted on trial, provided more than half of the other subjects were passed. Failing both key subjects is usually an outright repetition of that class. And when it occurs again, it will be expulsion. So, it is very important you maintain your academic tempo; and if possible, try to improve it because you will be studying with sound students from different academic backgrounds.
Secondly, I am proud of the caliber of teachers in that school - always willing to impart and are disciplined too. Always endeavour to listen in class and write only when it is time for writing. Ask questions for clarity. Any other issues you might have, chat me up via mummy's WhatsApp line.
I wish you well in your academics. Try to be among the top ten. I hope to hear from you soon of your progress.
Take care!
Yours truly,
We have a basketful of eggs, there is no guarantee that all the eggs will hatch into chickens. Similarly, planning is important in life. But we should not pin all our hopes and plan too much for the future, expecting certain things to happen. Because in life, events or incidents do not always happen the way we want them to do. It is necessary to plan but we must also be prepared to expect unexpected contingencies. In this proverb, our plans are compared to chickens that come out of eggs.
It is better to plan things but one must also be prepared for uncertain eventualities to avoid disappointments and frustration.
Once there was a farmer Subramanian who had cultivated groundnuts on his farmland and got a good yield. He sold the groundnuts and made a huge sum of money. He wanted to perform the wedding of his daughter in a grand manner but realized that he was running short by a small amount.
Subramanian decided that he would cultivate groundnuts again the next season so that he would get a huge sum of money all over again.
Other farmers warned him not to do so since it was time for the monsoons and the meteorological department had predicted heavy rains that year. They told him that paddy would be the best crop for cultivation and if he wanted he could cultivate groundnuts over a small area.
But Subramanian refused to listen to them and went ahead and cultivated groundnuts over his entire farmland. He was sure that he would get a good yield. He spent all the extra money that he had to conduct his daughter's wedding. Just as the crops were getting ready for harvesting, heavy rains lashed the village and all the crops got washed away due to heavy floods. The rain resulted in making heavy losses to all the farmers who had cultivated groundnuts in their lands.
Subramanian was a very sad man for he not only lost his crops but he also wasted all his money in lavish expenditure which was unnecessary. He realized his folly in being overconfident and not listening to his friends' advice which resulted in him losing all his money. Thereafter it took many years for Subramanian to settle all his loan amounts which he borrowed to marry off his daughter.
You are required to answer only one question from this section. Your answer should not be less than 450 words. All questions carry equal marks. You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.
(1) Your sister has gained admission into your former school. Write a letter giving her information about the school and advise her on how to behave well while in the school.
(2)Write an article suitable for publication in a national daily on the rising cases of ritual killings in your community and suggest measures to curb the trend.
(3)You are a chief speaker in a debate on the topic Religious studies should be Made Compulsory in Secondary Schools. Write your argument for or against the motion.
(4)Write a story that clearly illustrates the saying: Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. =========================
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Real and Confirmed NECO English language Obj, Essay and Test of Orals Questions and Expo Answer – Oct/Nov 2020
Verified NECO 2020 Oct/Nov English language Obj, Essay and Test of Orals Answer and Solution to the questions.
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NECO 2020 English Language Obj, Essay And Test Of Orals Answer – Oct/Nov Expo
Description : NECO English Language Obj And Essay/Theory and Test of orals Solution Questions and Answer – Oct/Nov 2020 Expo Runz. ENGLISH ORAL: 1-10: DCC...
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