NECO Literature-in-English Drama and Poetry Solution Questions and Answer – JUNE/JULY 2019 Expo Runz.
IDrama & Poetry – Literature in English — 3:00pm- 4:40pm
(i)The theme of Colonialist Arrogance and expectation; Whitehead comes to Mandoland with a blatant air of superiority with is why after two days of arrival inn the land he refuse to pay homage to king sangi until kindo forces him. This is reflective of colonial arrogance inn history. Even though the real colonial colonial mission is to exploit, They still engage the owner of the land in service labour to advance that interest and also expect to mass him honour and for him for pittance. It is also a show of colonial arrogance that makes whitehead introduce gin spirit drink in place of the peoples local drink mamapama which is congenial with their system, whereas whitehead’s drink intoxicates
and makes the animal of the people.
(ii)The theme of Patriotism and Resistance to Oppression; The patriootic zeal of kindo saves Mando Kingdom from the hands of whitehead. when whitehead refuses to accord kig santigi his deserved respect, it is kindo who restore it by putting him where he truly belongs – beneath the king’s feet. Kindo constantly monitors maligu and soko when he suspects they are in league with whitehead. He also interrogates whitehead on why he chose Mandoland and not another place. when whitehead get the people drunk and the woman become sexually provocative, It is kindo that also calls whitehead and maligu to order. kindo it is that also unveils the grand design to steal mando’s diamond wealth. in the end kindo does not only resist oppression, he stamps it out by killing whitehead.
(iii)The theme of Irony of Culture;Its is a cultural irony that the culture whitehead disregards by introducing the people to alcohol, tobacco, and hard core hallucination drugs, he also finds in it a substance to manipulate the culture by relying on key traditional beliefs that favour his ominous ploy. For example, he seizes on the decree of the death for anyone who kills in peacetime, so as to trap kindo. He also describes diamond as evil stones that should be handed over to him in a land purification ritual he trumps up.
In the play "A Raisin In The Sun" uses the poverty to achieve his aim in the order to develop what he has in mind in relation to the younger family. The family of younger are the lower ebb of the ladder whereby the position they find themselves affect Walter Younger very much.
Walter himself has so many problems where he was obsessed with money issue and also view it as a transformative power. In the level of his power stricken life, money has a particularly strong on Walter's reasoning.
Walter's mother and wife are both reasonably accepts their situation and Beneatha is more concerned sociopolitical issues.
Like many Americans, the Youngers have had to struggle to make ends meet. They were describes by the writer as a family that is so poverty-stricken that Ruth herself must deny her child money required for class. She is so 'crossed' or 'unfriendly' with Travis the issue of "I don't have ". The readers wonder if her "rudeness" could not bring her shame.
As a man, Walter tries as much as possible to prevent the family's economic status from affecting his son and the coming generation. From the look of things, he wants his son to possess everything he need to have when he is still alive.
Deceit; plays a pivotal part in this play by Oliver Goldsmith, but I believe it is more like a motif than the theme itself. Almost all of the characters are involved in some sort of deception, both in the main plot and in the subplots, but one must ask oneself what the author is trying to show through these complicated deceptions. Is deception in and of itself the theme, or does it lead to the theme. There is much debate regarding whether this play is a romantic comedy, a comedy of errors, a comedy of manners,a farce, a satire, etc. If you do some research on these comedy genres, you will be able to decide for yourself what you think. Then, you will be able to arrive at the theme of the play. What is the author trying to show with these many deceptions? What is he criticizing? Is the play's theme contemporary, or is it more universal? In other words Much of this play's comedy comes from the trickery played by various characters. The most important deceits come from Tony, including his lie about Hardcastle's home and his scheme of driving his mother and Constance around in circles. However, deceit also touches to the center of the play's more major themes. In a sense, the only reason anyone learns anything about their deep assumptions about class and behavior is because they are duped into seeing characters in different ways. This truth is most clear with Marlow and his shifting perspective on Kate, but it also is true for the Hardcastles and Sir Charles, who are able to see the contradictions in others because of what Deceit engenders.
(i)The theme of life in the past: In the poem, the poet reflects on the way of life of his fore-fathers, He recollects the traditional way of worship with its appurtenances, He describes it thus:
"The trapping of the past, tender and Tenuous woven with fibre of sisal And washed in the blood of the goat In the fetish hut" The poet says that his generation is still atuned to the custom and the way of life of the past as the old ways have their influence on the present age. "Determined to ignore these we use snatches from their tunes"...And listen to the reverberation of our songs "In the splash and moan of the sea"
(ii)The theme of cultural assimilation: The poet seems to suggest that his generation has undergone cultural transformation in order to open up a new leases of life. He posit thus; _"In the forging house of a new life Transforming the pangs into joy of new songs the whirlpool of the many rivers' estuany determined to ignore these we use Snatches from their tunes. Makes ourselves New flags of anthems While we lift high the banner of the land"
The theme of the need to preserve the old tradition: Although the poet personae expresses his joy and excitement at the dawn of a new day, he however still believes that some values of the time past must not be done away with. In conveying this thought, the poet personae puts himself across thus;
"sew the old days for uS, our fathers, that We can wear them under our garment After we have washed ourselves in The whirlpool of many river's estuary
(i)Imagery: Imagery is used to make readers perceive things involving their five senses. For example, “Sunset and evening star”; “But such a tide as moving seems asleep” and “I hope to see my Pilot face to face.”
(ii)Symbolism: Symbolism is a use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities and give meanings different from their literal meanings. “Evening” symbolizes death and the end of life and “twilight” is the symbol of last moments of life or old age.
(iii)Personification: Personification is to give human characteristics to inanimate objects. For example, in the third line, ‘And may there be no moaning of the bar’ the poet personifies “sandbar”; in the fifth line ‘But such a tide as moving seems asleep’ he personifies the tide as if it can sleep like humans.
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NECO 2019 Literature-in-English Drama and Poetry Answer – June/July Expo
Description : NECO Literature-in-English Drama and Poetry Solution Questions and Answer – JUNE/JULY 2019 Expo Runz. I Drama & Poetry – Literature in E...
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