NECO Civic Education Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – JUNE/JULY 2019 Expo Runz.
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Civic Edu OBJ:
INSTRUCTION: Answer Two(2) Questions From Each Section
Terrorism is the use of violence or of the threat of violence in the pursuit of political, religious, ideological or social objectives
(i) Teaching their children about morals and values.
(ii) Provide their children with basic needs
(iii) Provide discipline which is effective and appropriate.
(iv) Develop mutual respect with their children.
(i) Teaching morality : Good citizens need to be people who act according to moral principles. Rather than being selfish or trying to deceive each other, they ought to deal in a kind and upright way with each other. Part of a parent’s responsibility is ensuring that they bring up the next generation of citizens properly.
(ii) Teaching social interactions : Being polite, making friends, and reaching out to others are all important things in society. Parents can teach children to be comfortable when socializing from an early age.
(iii) Showing children the ropes : A responsible parent will teach their child how to move in society: how to pay for things in shops and get the correct change, for example, or how to take public transport.
(iv) Encouraging independent thought. : Responsible parenthood involves teaching children to respect others’ opinions and to develop their own opinions too. Tolerance of others is a true civic virtue.
Political apathy is a feeling of disinterest in the sense of politics or apathy towards politics.
(i)No interest in registration of voters.
(ii)Ignoring electoral activities.
(iii)Showing no interest in protecting the electoral process.
(iv)Showing no political position and ignoring election
(i)Rigging of elections; This is a major reason for the growing political apathy in Nigeria. Over the years, elections have been plagued with rigging and malpractices. And that is why most Nigerians don’t believe in elections.
(ii)The popular belief that the votes don’t count; Most Nigerians believe that their vote do not count. This is one of the main reasons why a lot of Nigerian always refuse to turn out for voters registration. And during elections, most decide to stay back at home because of the general feeling and belief that their votes will have no impact on the outcome of the election.
(iii)Lack of credible candidate; Since the beginning of the post-military era, there has been a continuous cycle of politicians. People do not have so many options from which they vote.
(iv)Current condition of governance; This is probably the number one reason for political apathy in Nigeria. The government has failed to provide good leadership and governance for the country, as a result, the level of apathy towards politics and governance has increased.
(i)Colonial Influence: Most public corporations incorporated in Nigeria during the colonial era are no longer inform since the departure of colonial masters who were the initiators of this public corporation. Some of these public corporations were seized and manipulated by private individuals into their own private businesses.
(ii)Corruption : The effectiveness of the public service has been slowed down by bribery and corruption to the extent that public servants fail to perform their official duties as they look forward to bribery before carrying out their duties.
(iii)Inadequate Training Facilities: The Nigerian public service lacks adequate training facilities for staff improvement of skill. They have to send many of the staff abroad for more training and some of the staff through the medium may not return but settle for their private pursuits there.
(iv)Poor Orientation and Low Salaries: Public servants get poor or no orientations about their jobs. This is coupled with their low salary earnings as peanut which is another reason for shortcomings.
(v)Political Instability: Constant and regular change of top rank office holders in public service brings about constant instability of rules and regulations. This constantly leads to the shortcomings in the public service.
(i) Tolerance
(ii) KIndness/charity
(iii) Patience/Endurance
(iv) Forgiveness
(v) Respect /cheerfulness
(i)Tolerance: People should tolerate their partners for such relationship to last long.
(ii)Kindness/charity: This is one essential skill to promote interpersonal relationship. This means that both the partners must always be there for each other,at the point of need.
(iii)Patience/Endurance: Both partners (people ) in any kind of inter-personal relationship are supposed to patiently treat and endure for each other,even at the point of pleasures or difficulties of anybody
(iv)Forgiveness: counting offended, mistakes, weakness etc does not help a relationship to grow. partners should learn or imbibe the habit of forgiving their partner's mistakes whenever such arises.
(v)Respect /cheerfulness: People in any kind of relationship should have deep down respect and cheerfulness for each other in order for their relationship to last long
Orderliness; This is associated with other qualities such as cleanliness and diligence and the desire for order and symmetry, and is generally considered to be a desirable quality.
(i)Complain or compliment
(ii)Participate in community meetings
(iii)Serve on the citizen advisory board
(iv)Be your neighbor’s keeper
(i)Complain or compliment : This is another way you can improve or maintain law and order. Therefore, if you have a good interaction with the police officers, you can share any complaint with the necessary officers. Also, you may have a question that you need to know more about. Do not hesitate to ask. Make sure that you ask and get immediate solutions to your questions.
(ii)Participate in community meetings; It is essential to understand that community meetings are one of the easiest ways you can improve law and order. In these meetings, you need to discuss some of the important ways you can employ in your society. Make sure that you have your leaders and also ensure that your society follows some of the rules that you create.
(iii)Serve on the citizen advisory board: You will realize that most police departments have these citizen boards. They help in advising and implementing some of the strategies that will help in reducing disorder and crime. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you participate in these advisory boards to improve law and order in your society.
(iv)Be your neighbor’s keeper: You can also help the police in maintaining law and order in your region. You can, therefore, decide to form groups that you will be watching each other. You need to organize how you will maintain law and order in your various groups. Employ some of the methods that you will be using to communicate with your neighbors and policemen.
Traffic regulation can be defined as the rules and regulations which guide the behavior or action of road users, in order to prevent accidents and enhance free flow of traffic.
(ii)Fatigue and headache
(iii)Swollen lymph nodes, achy muscles and joint pain
(iv)Skin rash
(i)Fever: The fever, usually one of the first symptoms of HIV, is often accompanied by other mild symptoms, such as fatigue, swollen lymph glands, and a sore throat. At this point the virus is moving into the blood stream and starting to replicate in large numbers. As that happens, your immune system induces an inflammatory reaction.
(ii)Fatigue and headache;
The inflammatory response generated by your besieged immune system can cause you to feel tired and lethargic. Sometimes it can make you feel winded while walking or generally feel out of breath. Fatigue can be both an early and later symptom of HIV.
(iii)Swollen lymph nodes, achy muscles and joint pain: Lymph nodes are part of your body’s immune system and protect your blood by getting rid of bacteria and viruses. They tend to get inflamed when there’s an infection. Many of them are located in your armpit, groin and neck which can result in aches and pains in these areas.
(iv)Skin rash: Skin rashes can occur early or late in the course of HIV seroconversion. In some cases the rash can appear similar to boils with itchy, pink breakouts.
Citizenship education is education that provides the background knowledge necessary to create an ongoing stream of new citizens participating and engaging with the creation of a civilized society.
(i)Citizenship by Birth; This is for those who were born in Nigeria. Although being born in Nigeria does not automatically confer Nigerian citizenship.
(ii)Citizenship by Descent; This means at least one of the parents of the person is a Nigerian even if the person was born outside of Nigeria
(iii)Citizenship by Registration; This type of citizenship can be obtained by any of the following persons: A foreign child adopted by Nigerian parents.
(iv)Citizenship by Naturalisation; Anyone who is of full age and has lived in Nigeria for at least fifteen years and has intentions to continue residing in Nigeria. Such person must be familiar with the customs and language of Nigeria and must be able to support himself/herself.
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Real and Confirmed NECO Civic Education Questions and Expo Answer – June/July 2019
Verified NECO 2019 June/July Civic Education OBJ and Essay Answer and Solution to the questions.
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NECO 2019 Civic Education Obj And Essay Answer – June/July Expo
Description : NECO Civic Education Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – JUNE/JULY 2019 Expo Runz. invite your friends and family to 042tvs...
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