NECO Biology Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – JUNE/JULY 2019 Expo Runz.
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Biology OBJ:
INSTRUCTION: Answer Any Three(3) Questions
Commensalism is a biological interaction in which members of one species benefits from the other specie which in turn does not get harmed
(i)Remoras and shark
(ii)sea cucumber and fierasfer
(i)trapping or water storage in tanks or wells
(ii)treatment and recycling of used water
(iii)tree planting to reduce evaporation
(i)for anchoring the whole plant firmly to the soil
(ii)for absorption of water and dissolved mineral salt by the plant
(iii)for food storage, support to the plant
conservation; is define as the preservation of natural resources from waist or exploitation through rational use and to ensure their continued use or availability of the resources
(i)chemical waist should be discharged into air
(ii)industries should be sited far away from residential area
(iii)legislation against indiscriminate burning
- sulphur dioxide
-Nitrogen oxide
-From coal and oil that are burnt
-is produced from automobile
-From chemical that are used to kill from chemical that are used to kill or control pests
-it causes acidic rain
-it leads children morality and toxic to adults
-it affects soil conservation
Light reaction stage occurs during the day or in the presence of light. The light energy or solar energy is captured by chlorophyll and electrons are excited. The energy trapped is used to split water into hydrogen ion(H+) and hydroxyl ion (OH-). The splitting if water into hydrogen ion(H+) and hydroxyl ion(OH-) is called photolysis of water.
The photolysis of water is represented by this equation:
4H2O light 4H+ + 4(OH)
The hydroxyl ion is converted into water :
4(OH) ---> 2H2O + O2
During this process, oxygen is given out as a by product as shown in the chemical equation above. At the same time, a compound, co-enzyme or NADP is reduced by hydrogen ion to NADPH and Air.
The muscle that contracts to cause the joint to straighten is called extension. When one muscle is contracted, the other muscle from the other pair is always elongated. The biceps and triceps muscles work together to allow bending and straightening of the arm.
(i) Baking of bread.
(ii) Formation of acid.
(iii) Formation of diary product.
(i) Production of honey eg bees
(ii) Pollinating crop we use for food.
(iii) Some are scavengers and prevent decay.
(iv) Production of silk.
(v) Human food is spiked by cockroaches, ants and flies.
(i) Both has Ribosome.
(ii) Both has hybosomes.
(iii) Both has Nucleolus.
(iv) Both has Mitochondria and Golgi bodies.
(ii)Gastric acid
(iii)Intestinal juice
-Site of action-
(iii)Small intestine
Habitat is the type of natural environment in which a particular species of organism lives.
Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity).
population is all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding.
(i)Choose and locate the sample plot;
(ii)Then identify the species in the plot
(iii)Measure the area with a measuring tape to know the area of the habitat ;
(iv)Throw or toss the quadrat randomly at interval for up to 10 or above times ;
(v)After each throw or toss , the number of species within the area of quadrat is recorded ;
(vi)The density of species is calculated by dividing the average number of times the species occur within the quadrat by the area of the quadrat.
(v)Wind vane
(i)very high annual rainfall
(ii)high average temperatures
(iii)nutrient-poor soil
(iv)high levels of biodiversity
(v)high animal and vegetal biodiversity
(vi)evergreen trees dark and sparse undergrowth interspersed
(i) Bones are rigid, non-flexible, and tough, whereas cartilage is flexible and are soft-elastic.
(ii) Bones grow in both directions (bidirectional) while cartilage grows in the single direction (unidirectional).
(iii) Bones cells are also known as Osteocytes while cartilage cells are also known as Chondrocytes.
(iv) Bones are active participants of blood supply; Cartilage are not the participants in blood supply, except in perichondrium.
(i) Hydrostatic skeleton
(ii) Exoskeleton
(iii) Endoskeleton.
- Parenchyma
- Collenchyma
- Sclerenchyma
- Xylem
- Phloem
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Verified NECO 2018 June/July Biology OBJ and Essay Answer and Solution to the questions.
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NECO 2019 Biology Obj And Essay Answer – June/July Expo
Description : NECO Biology Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – JUNE/JULY 2019 Expo Runz. invite your friends and family to
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