WAEC Geography Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – MAY/JUNE 2019 Expo Runz.
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Geography OBJ:
(i) inadequate funding: the tourism industry is pooly funded and it retards the development of tourist center in Nigeria.
(ii) Lack of private investment in Nigeria retards the development of tourist center
(iii) Inadequate personal
(iv) Poor publicity lack of effective publicity for publishing the scenery wildlife and culture attractions to visitors is a problem to Nigeria
(v) Absence of tourism boards
(vi) Security problems
(i) Increase in budgeting provision: there should be increase and release of budgeting provision by government for tourism development
(ii) Engagement of private sector: the government should encourage and embrace the private sector in order to drive the tourism development programmes.
(iii) Pursuance of aggressive marketing strategies have to be put in place to promote tourism assects locally and internationally
(iv) Launching of tourism development trust : The government should launch tourism development funds. This funds will also go a long way to ensure adequate provision of capital for tourism development in the country
(Pick any THREE)
(i) Groundnut requires a wide plain for easy cultivation.
(ii) It requires a rainfall of 50 - 100cm per annum.
(iii) It requires a loose Sandy soil which makes planting and harvesting easy.
(iv) It requires long dry season for fruits to be dried
(Pick any FOUR)
(i) It aids in boosting the GNDP of the country
(ii) It creates employment for the citizens
(iii) It helps in creating the availability of oil used for domestic purposes.
(iv) It is a source of income to the populates as it boosts the per capital income of the populates.
(v) It is a source of foreign exchange
(vi) It provides market for industrial goods.
(pick 4)
(i) Tin
(ii) Gold
(iii) Coal
(iv) Iron ore
(v) Limestone
(vi) Petroleum
(i) Tin - Jos
(ii) Gold - ilesa and sokoto
(iii) Coal - Enugu
(iv) Iron ore - Lokoja, Enugu
(v) Limestone - Sokoto, Ewekoro
(vi) Petroleum - Warri, Port Harcourt
(i) It is a source of foreign exchange
(ii) Employment opportunities
(iii) It serves as raw materials for many industries
(i) oil spillage
(ii) Health hazard which causes lung cancer
(iii) The natural gas and oil occur together and oil is highly flammable
total population = 3.2+5.4+7.4+6.5+4.2
= 26.7million
Total land area = (40,000+98,000+35,000+120,000+36,000)km^2
= 479,000km^2
Population density of country B= Total population of B/Land area of B
= 26,000,000/ 479,000
= 557.41 person/sqkm
(i)Agriculture: Areas with well developed farming of crops or animals are often densely populated.
(ii) Secondary industry: Those areas in which manufacturing has developed tend to be densely populated. It is worth noting that even in old industrial areas in which manufacturing has declined or even closed, population densities may remain high.
(iii) Accessibility: Areas with well developed transport infrastructure and links through road, rail, shipping, canals and air are likely to be more densely populated than areas which are poorly connected
(iv)Conflict: Wars and conflicts can lead to significant movements of population and a simultaneous decrease in density in some areas while others may increase.
(i) Reduced mortality rate
(ii) Better medical facilities
(iii) High birth rate
(Pick three)
(I)it provide door to door services ie it can get to anywhere within the country
(II)it makes goods available where they are scare
(III)Road facilitate the movement of people within a short distance
(IV)it feeds water ,rail and air transportation
(V)It is the most common means of transportation
(Pick three)
(I)Roads are very expensive to construct and maintain
(II)Roads are difficult to construct, especially in highlands and swampy areas
(III)Amount of goods and passengers carried by roads is limited
(IV)Road are more proned to accident than any other means of transportation
(V)They are more proned to damage,especially washouts caused by heavy rain
(Pick four)
(I)Agricultural raw material such as cocoa ,cotton,palm produce ,timber etc are mostly conveyed by road to the processing factories scattered all over the country
(II)it leads to increased agricultural, mineral and industrial production
(III)It aids the movement of people or labour and capital
(IV)it gives rise to employment opportunities
(V)It links areas of production with areas of com sump in a country
(i) Availability of labour
(ii) Availability of capital
(iii) Nearness to source of power
(iv) Adequate transport network
(v) Nearness to market
(vi) Proximity to source of raw materials.
(i) It creates more employment
(ii) It increases state and local government revenue
(iii) It brings development
(iv) It brings civilization
(v) It also brings new technologies
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Real and Confirmed WAEC Geography Questions and Expo Answer – May/June 2019
Verified WAEC 2019 May/June Geography OBJ and Essay Answer and Solution to the questions.
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WAEC 2019 Geography Obj And Essay Answer – May/June Expo
Description : WAEC Geography Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – MAY/JUNE 2019 Expo Runz. invite your friends and family to 042tvseries.c...
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