Are you looking for the list of JAMB recommended textbooks for Geography? Is Geography one of the subjects you chose during JAMB registration? If the JAMB subject combination for your course requires you to sit for Geography in the upcoming UTME, then this article is for you.
It is true that Geography is one of the simplest and hardest subjects in JAMB depending on the types of textbooks that you read for Geography in JAMB 2019.
You may be wondering, what are the best Geography textbooks to read for JAMB and pass excellently? That is what you are going to get in this article. So, calm down as I show you the way to blast Geographycompletely in your upcoming UTME.
List Of JAMB Recommended Textbooks For Geography 2019| Best Textbooks To Read For Geography
In one of my JAMB guides, I mentioned the use of recommended textbooks as one of the easiest ways to prepare for JAMB and excel. You can read the full article, How to prepare for JAMB and pass here.
As a result, a lot of candidates have been asking me for JAMB recommended books to buy and pass UTME. Some of their questions can be seen below:
- What are the recommended textbooks for Geography in JAMB
- List of JAMB recommended Geography science textbooks to read and pass
- Best textbooks to read for JAMB Geography
I have therefore decided to write this article in other to answer their questions. I hereby use this medium to announce to all candidates that the list of recommended Geography textbooks for JAMB is now available.
In case you are not convinced, let me show you why you should use recommended textbooks for JAMB Geography.
1. UTME questions come from these textbooks
2. They have been checked by JAMB board and are found to meet the examination standard
3. JAMB Recommended textbooks are easier to read and understand
4. Their contents cover the whole syllabus. When you read them, you will cover the syllabus for each subject.
Now, are you convinced? Let us head straight to the main topic.
- Adeleke, B.O. Areola .O. 2002 and Leong, G.C. Certificate Physical and Human Geography for Senior Secondary School (West African Edition), Ibadan: Oxford.
- Bradshaw, M. et al (2004) Contemporary World Regional Geography, New York: McGraw Hill
- Bunet, R.B and Okunrotifa, P.O.(1999) General Geography in Diagrams for West Africa, China: Longman.
- Collins New Secondary Atlas, Macmillan
- Fellman, D. et al (2005) Introduction to Geography (Seventh Edition) New York: McGraw Hill
- Getis, A. et al (2004) Introduction to Geography (Ninth Edition) New York: McGraw Hill
- Iloeje, N. P(1999) A New Geography of West Africa, Hong Kong: Longman
- Iloeje, N.P(1982) A New Geography of Nigeria (New Education), Hong Kong: London
- Nimako, D.A. (2000) Map Reading of West Africa, Essex: Longman.
- Okunrotifa, P.O. and Michael S. (2000) A Regional Geography of Africa (New Edition), Essex: London.
- Udo, R.K(1970) Geographical Regions of Nigeria, London: Longman.
- Waugh, D. (1995) Geography an Integrated Approach (Second Edition), China: Nelson
- Wisdomline Pass at Once JAMB.
- Adegoke M.A (2013), A Comprehensive Text on Physical, Human and Regional Geography.
Above is the list of recommended textbooks you can read to pass UTME excellently.
I have also compiled some UTME study guides and tips, you should check them out below.
If you have any question, feel free to ask using the comment box below.
Now that you know the official JAMB recommended textbooks for Geography 2019, don’t forget to share the article.
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JAMB Recommended Textbooks For Geography 2019
Description : Are you looking for the list of JAMB recommended textbooks for Geography? Is Geography one of the subjects you chose during JAMB registratio...
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