Physics practical
Question 1
Pendulum bob;
Retort stand and clamb;
Metre Rule;
Question 2
Ray box with illuminated object (cross wire);
Convex lens (f=15cm);
Metre Rule;
Lens Holder;
Question 3
Potentiometre/metre bridge;
Dry cells ( 1 pair = 2 x 1.5V);
Ammeter ( 0 – 3 A);
Resistor P = 1 Ohms (value concealed);
Jookey/crocodile clip;
Seven connecting wires.
Chemistry practical
1. Great care should be taken to ensure that the information given in item 2 and 3 below does not reach the candidates either directly or indirectly before the examination.
2. In Addition to the fittings and reagents normally contained in a chemistry laboratory, the following apparatus and material will be required by each candidate.
a. One burette of 50cm^3 capacity
b. One pipette ,either 20cm^3 or 25cm^3. All candidate at one centre must use pipettes of thesame volume. These should be clean and free from grease.
c. The usual apparatus for titration
d.the usual apparatus for reagents qualitative work including the following with all reagents appropriately labelled;
i) red and blue litmus paper
ii) aqueous ammonia
iii) dilute hydrochloric acid
iv) dilute sodium hydroxide solution
v) barium chloride solution
vi) dilute trioxonitrate (V) acid
vii) silver trioxonitrate (V) solution
viii) Lime water
e) glass rod
f) filtration apparatus
g) spatula
h) two boiling tubes
i) four test tubes
j) wash bottle containing distilled/deionized water
k) mathematical table /calculator
3.Each candidate should be supplied with the following, where ‘n’ is the candidate serials number
a) 150cm^3 of potassium tetraoxomanganate (VII) solution in a corked flasked or battled labelled A. These should all be thesame containing 7.7g of KMnO4 per dm^3 of solution.
Group I ( For all candidates)
Specimen A – Fresh/wet preserved mosquito larva in a petri dish containing water.
Specimen B – Fresh/wet preserved maggot in a petri dish containing water.
Specimen C – Gill of fish (freshly procured) in a petri dish containing water.
Specimen D – Lung of a small mammal(freshly preserved).
Specimen E – Dicotyledonous leaf (freshly plucked).
Specimen F – Membranous wing of a cockroach.
Group III (For candidates in Nigeria and the Gambia only)
Specimen K – Flower of pride of Barbados or caesalpinia
Specimen L – Mature Elephant grass or Guinea grass.
Specimen M – Flower of Hibiscus plant.
(i) All specimens can be provided as group specimens for five(5) to ten(10) candidates.
(ii) All specimens in each group must carry individual labels (Eg A, B, C, D, E and F in Group I)
+It is essential that each candidate should be provided with the following materials;
(i) glass jar cover or petri dish,
(ii) a beaker containing water,
(iii) a pair of forceps,
(iv) a hand of lens/magnifying lens,
(v) scalpel OR razor blade/knife
A: Axe
B: Spade
C: Sickle
D: Hand trowel
E: Shears
F: Hand fork
For specimens G, H and I, you are requested to get some quantity of Sandy soil. Divide the quantity of Sandy soil into three portions.
Wash the first portion which is to be labelled G with a neutral solution(water) until the soup is neither acidic nor alkaline then air-dry the soil.
To the second portion which is to be labelled H, add some quantity of Hydrochloric acid(HCL) and air-dry.
To the third portion which is to be labelled I, add some quantity of sodium Hydroxide(NaOH) solution and air-dry.
Then supply to each candidate, samples of specimens G, H and I each in a beaker, some quantity of water, blue litmus paper, red litmus paper and a
J: Maize grain damaged by weevils
K: Yam tuber damaged by yam beetles
L: Cassava leaves showing mosaic disease symptoms
M: Tomato fruits showing fruit rot symptoms
N: Liver fluke(preserved/picture/diagram)
O: Tick
P: Trypanosome parasite(diagram/picture)
Q: Rat
R: Bird
S: Grasshopper
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Description : Physics practical Question 1 Pendulum bob; Retort stand and clamb; Thread; Stopwatch/clock; Metre Rule; Question 2 Ray box with illuminated ...
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