WAEC English language Obj And Essay/Theory and Test of orals Solution Questions and Answer – MAY/JUNE 2018 Expo Runz.

English OBJ:
the massive crowd and the venue of the show which was under an iroko tree6b)
the presence of the magician and his three aide’s and the drummers is an evidence that the show was not a one man show
because they were his assistant and they planned the show together
the american tourist was set out to prove if truely the magician could receive bullets in his chest and still remain unscathed
the magician might be scathe by the tourist’s contemplated action
he ran away of the show
it is an adjectival clause
it function to tell more about the feat
i)Feats – Act
ii)Aides- assistant
iii)Steadied Firmed
iv)Mystified – Puzzled
v)Unscathed- Uninjured
vi)Hasty – quick
i)the individual (victim) is firstly affected as if challenges his health
ii)the ummediate family of the addict is not left out as they suffer stigmatisation from the society
iii)drug addiction also affect the society as if it may cause road accidents7b)
i)children should be educated on the adverse that affect the drug addiction
ii)the dealers should be justify and apprehended by the law enforcement agent
iii)the victim should be given proper treatment
Choose One (1) From This Two.
Illegal falling of trees refers to the felling of trees on a massive scale without any simultaneous efforts aimed at replacing them often resulting in damage to the quality of the land.
Environmental impacts of illegal falling of trees include is management Loss of revenue undermines efforts to place the forest sector on a more sustainable footing, as lost revenue cannot be reinvested in the sector. Furthermore, because illegal logging is often unsustainable, future sources of employment and export revenues are not realised.
Illegal logging also distorts global markets and undermines incentives for sustainable forest management, as illegal timber is often cheaper than legal timber.
The social impacts of illegal logging are diverse. Illegal logging undermines the rule of law and is often associated with corruption It may also entail a lack of recognition of the land and resource use rights of forest communities, or of the rights of other concessions holders. This can have negative impacts on the livelihoods of local people and result in conflict. The revenues from illegal logging may also fund national and regional conflicts, as has been the case in Liberia.
Illegal falling of trees could be solved by:
1. Reforestation: This will involve an intentional and decisive plan to plant trees in order to replace the ones already lost. This effort can be driven by both the government and private individuals. In 2005, about 1 million hectares of land had been reforested in Nigeria. The National Environmental Standards and Regulations Agency (NESREA ) has been empowered by law to tackle this project.
2. Protection of Existing Forest: The available forests need to be protected jealously. The
Government at all levels have a huge role to play in this. Protection of the forest will entail enforcement of logging regulation to restrict logging and implement a compulsory “plant a tree program” for all loggers. The government also needs to equip the existing forest guards with the necessary tools and equipment with which to do their job effectively and efficiently.
Strict penalties should also be put in place to act as deterrent to would be defaulters.
Meena was a little taken aback with the speed of Vineet’s marriage, but could not grudge him the happiness. She was however a little impatient to take her relationship with Sanjay to the next level. She started noticing that Sanjay was always a little evasive about any talks about marriage. She soon confronted him about it and gave him an ultimatum. He broke down and confessed that he was a married man. He had married a rich but ugly girl six years back. He said he had done this for money and had signed an agreement with the girl’s father promising to stay married till such time they had a male child, in which case he could divorce his wife and walk away with half the money. Otherwise he would have to stay married to the girl till such time that one of them died.Meena was shocked and a little disgusted with Sanjay. She realized that she had been foolish and fallen for empty flattery and good looks. She was devastated to think that she had hurt a nice person like Vineet for a shallow person like Sanjay, for whom the sacred bond of marriage did not mean anything. As she walked off from Sanjay she realized that “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush”. The realization was however too little and too late.
1)You are dissatisfied with some practices in your school. Write a letter to your friend in another school discussing at least three of these practices and the improvement you desire2) Write an article suitable for publication in national newspaper on the high cost of living, suggesting at least ways in which the government of your country can tackle the problem
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Real and Confirmed WAEC English language Questions and Expo Answer – Jan/Feb 2018
Verified WAEC 2018 may/juneEnglish language OBJ and Essay Answer and Solution to the questions.
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WAEC 2018 English Language Obj, Essay and Test of Orals Answer – May/June Expo
Description : WAEC English language Obj And Essay/Theory and Test of orals Solution Questions and Answer – MAY/JUNE 2018 Expo Runz. ORAL ENGLISH 1-10: ACB...
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