Civic OBJ:
1. By participating in election
2. By knowing and defending our right
3. By joining or belonging to popular organizations like the NLC (Nigeria Labor Congress).
4. By peaceful demonstration
5. Through strike7b)
1.Lack of credible candidate. Since the beginning of the post-military era, there has been a continuous cycle of politicians. People do not have so many options from which they vote.
2.Current condition of governance. This is probably the number one reason for political apathy in Nigeria. The government has failed to provide good leadership and governance for the country, as a result, the level of apathy towards politics and governance has increased.
3.Lack of trust in governance. This is different from the dislike of politicians. In this case, this is an issue of not believing in the way of governance and lacking the interest to see governance improve. Most people also have lost hope of a better governance and therefore a reason for their political apathy.
4.Campaign violence. Due to the level of violence that always occur during the build-up to elections, most people stay away from electoral process for the safety of their lives. Also, the violence was seen during campaign always damage the credibility of most political parties and their candidates among the people. And because of this, the level of political apathy keeps growing.
5.Chaos in the political system. In Nigeria today, there is so much chaos going in politics and in the government. They include political oppression and victimization, political infighting, etc.
1. Methamphetamine
2. Inhalants
3. Steroids
4. Cocaine
5. Heroine4b)
1. Increased Need for Privacy
2. Lack of Anger Management Skills
3. High Risk Taking
4. Lack of Interest
5. Depression
6. Lying and other unethical behavior
7. Defensiveness
4c. 1 involving in odd vices such aslying and stealing to pay for your drug use
2. High degree of tolerance for criminal behavior
3. Financial problems due to High cost of drugs
A Constituted Authority refers to the different forms of Leadership established for the smooth running of the society. In every society, there are groups, associations, schools, government and business organizations that are composed of different groups of people.3b)
1. Constituted authorities maintain laws and order to bring about development in the society.
2. Constituted authorities work to ensure that rights of citizens or members of the society are protected.
3. Constituted authorities work to protect lives and properties of citizens or members of the society:
4. Religious constituted authorities direct the affairs of their societies and help members to be closer to God.
5. Constituted authorities ensure the people live in peace and harmony with one another
6. They ensure orderliness in the state and help to settle dispute in the society.
Orderliness is the art of doing things in a peaceful orderly fashion. It is the art by which things are arranged in a proper, neat and systematic manner1b)
i)obedience to constituted authority
ii)obeying traffic regulation
iii)peaceful protest
iv)tolerance of opposition
v)absence of war and civil strife
vi)peacful coexistence
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