WAEC GCE Government Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – JAN/FEB 2018 Expo Runz.
Govt OBJ:
1. To understand the influence government has on your daily life.2. To understand why the government produces the policies it does.
3. To understand and interpret current events in a rapidly changing world.
4. To understand how the United States attempts to resolve conflicts and seeks to establish order and security.
5. To develop the ability to solve problems and make good decisions when current events and economic and social issues affect you directly.
state is any
politically organized community living under a single system of government .in other words States may or may not be sovereign .
1. Population: A state must have a population which may be variable in size. Populations may or may not share general political beliefs but the ones that do are the most stable. Mobility of the population can affect its political and governmental stability.
2. Territory: States have established territorial boundaries. The size of the territory may change due to the acquisition or secession of land through political negotiations, purchase agreements, or by being overtaken by force such as during a war.
3. Sovereignty: Sovereignty can be considered to be the key characteristic of a state. A state has full and absolute power within its territorial boundaries. States are independent with the power to make and enforce laws, establish foreign policy, and determine the future of its existence within the laws and boundaries.
4. Government: All states have some type of organized government. Government allows the state to establish social order, provide public services, and to make decisions that affect the living conditions of all people living within the territorial boundaries of the state.
1 . Central Legislative Council – The Macpherson constitution made provision a central Legislative council also called House of Representatives . The Legislative council consisted of 148 members of whom 136 were elected from the Regional Houses . 6 members were appointed by the Governor and 6 also were ex - official
members .
2 . Central Executive Council – This was called the ‘ Council of Ministers ’, and was made up of 12 Nigerian ministers , 6 ex - official members and the President ( Governor ) .
3 . The country was divided into three unequal regions -
Northern Region , Western Region and Eastern Region .
1 . It provided Nigeria with a semi or quasi -responsible government instead of a full responsible government.
2 . There was no effective leadership at the centre and regional level because there was no provision for the office of prime minister and premier .
3 . There was no team spirit in the council of ministers .
1. Indirect rule preserved African culture while assimilation undermined African cultures
2. Elites in British colonies remained subjects while assimilated Africans in French colonies became citizens
3. The French colonies elected representatives to the chamber of deputies while British colonies to Legco
4. The British used professionals to govern while the French undermined African chieftaincies
5. The British appointed traditional rulers while the French handpicked people who met their qualifications
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Real and Confirmed WAEC GCE Government Questions and Expo Answer – Jan/Feb 2018
Verified WAEC GCE 2018 Jan/Feb Government OBJ and Essay Answer and Solution to the questions.
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WAEC GCE 2018 Government Obj And Essay Answer – Jan/Feb Expo
Description : WAEC GCE Government Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – JAN/FEB 2018 Expo Runz. Govt OBJ: 1DBBCAAACCD 11BABBBDBBCC 21DCACDA...
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