WAEC GCE Agricultural Science Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – NOV/DEC 2018 Expo Runz.
Depreciation is a procedure for allocating the cost of a depreciable asset among the production in which the asset is used.
I)Farm record is an account of the various activities carried out on the farm such as farm purchases, utilization of farm inputs, number of livestock kept and equipment procured. While Farm account shows the total receipt and payments made by the farm at a particular time.
Any of several credit vehicles used to finance agricultural transactions, including loans, notes, bills of exchange and banker's acceptances. WHILE subsidy is a governmental subsidy paid to farmers and agribusinesses to supplement their income, manage the supply of agricultural commodities, and influence the cost and supply of such commodities.
Iii)assets provide a future economic benefit, while liabilities present a future obligation.
I)to regulate the animal's body temperature
Ii)to assist in transporting nutrients.
Iii)It helps in pH Regulation
Iv)It aids food Digestion
Calcium and potassium
I)Minerals are essential constitutents of skeletal structures such as bones and teeth.
Ii)Minerals play a key role in the maintenance of osmotic pressure
Iii)Minerals regulate the exchange of water and solutes within the animal body.
Iv)Minerals serves as enzymes that aids digestion
I)Breast pain
Ii)Teats must be
dipped in germicide after each milking.
Iii)Proper milking machine function
V)test and slaughter
Vi)herd isolation and
Vii)Respiratory distress
Viii)Vaccination for Newcastle disease
Animal mating is the pairing of either opposite sex or hermaphroditic organisms, usually for the purposes of sexual reproduction while Artificial insemination is the process of collecting sperm cells from a male animal and manually depositing them into the reproductive tract of a female.
i)Monogamy mating
ii)Polygamy mating
I)It helps in building
and repairing muscles and other body tissues
Ii)It is needed
to form new skin cells, grow hair, build muscle tissue, and more.
Iii)It also assists in creating body chemicals like hormones and enzymes
Iv)It provides energy and
keeps animal immune system strong.
Ii)milk and milk products
I)Rangelands provide
flood protection.
Ii)It helps in ground water recharge.
Iii)It helps to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere
Iv)Grazing of perennial grasslands has helped control the spread of some invasive weed
Farm surveying is the process of measuring and mapping out the position, height, size and boundary of an area of farmland.
1b) Importance of Farm Surveying in Agriculture:
i) It helps to determine the hectarage of Land.
ii) Farm surveying exposes the gradient of the land.
iii) It helps the farmer to make decisions on locations of various farm buildings and structures.
iv) It helps in determining the amount of input of labour, seeds, fertilizers and chemicals to be used in the farm.
v) It enables farmers to make the best use of available resources in order to achieve maximum profits.
i)It is used for marking stations
i)It is used in taking short or detailed measurement of length and breadth.
i)It is used in taking bearing.
i)It is used to measure horizontal or vertical angles or planes.
I) it is use to find out the bearing of the traversing and included angles between them, waypoints
i)It serves as wind break
ii)It helps to prevent erosion
iii)It serves as source of oxygen
iv)It serves as source of fuel i.e firewood
v)It serves as habitat for wild animals
vi)It helps to prevent depilation of the ozone layer.
i)It helps to improve soil nitrogen
Ii)It increases the activity of microorganisms
Iii)It helps to improve soil structure
I)It leads to soil erosion
Ii)It kills soil microorganisms
Iii)It reduces soil nitrogennitrogen
I)It causes nutrient leaching
Ii)It causes erosion.
Iii)It leads to poor soil structure.
i)It causes erosion by wind
Ii)It causes loss of soil nutrients
Iii)It causes percolation
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Real and Confirmed WAEC GCE Agric science Questions and Expo Answer – Jan/Feb 2018
Verified WAEC GCE 2018 Jan/Feb Agric science OBJ and Essay Answer and Solution to the questions.
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WAEC GCE 2018 Agric Science Obj And Essay Answer – Jan/Feb Expo
Description : WAEC GCE Agricultural Science Obj And Essay/Theory Solution Questions and Answer – NOV/DEC 2018 Expo Runz. AGRIC OBJ: 1-10: AAAADABBBB 11-20...
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