English Obj:
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Each fighter tilt against one another with their heads down, neck hunched and shoulders forwards like a fighting ram
He aimed to improve his action after a few heads on collision by kicking his uncle in his chin frightfully
Makenda prevented this by rotating his clenched right hand aloft.
Maurice's aim was to grab Makenda and throw him away.
He was beaten black and blue by his uncle who threw his back to his dust.
This happened to him because Makenda was stronger, cooler and Older than him.
She also joined Makenda in beating Maurice
She was described as would be murderess because she was going to kill Maurice if she continued beating him.
it is used to compare the fist of Makenda to a club which is original and it's effects it will have on Maurice
Adjectival clause
It qualifies the noun "chairs"
i)Hurled - thrown
ii)Merely - wholly
iii)Ex-jailbird - ex-prisoner
iv)Scared - afraid
v)Effort - struggle
i)By waking up early in the morning, having a good bath and exercising
ii)By eating good food to enjoy health and energy benefits
i)By eating nutritional and good food for the body
ii)By drinking sufficient water after every meal
iii)By sleeping well and at the right time
iv)By engaging in any kind of exercise to keep you fit and maintain weight to healthy level
Once Bitten Twice Shy
"Once bitten twice shy" is an old adage. In my case, it became a literal truth.
I was very mischievous as a young boy. I enjoyed playing pranks and practical jokes on people. I also liked to chase cats and used a handmade catapult to shoot at birds on the trees. My parents did not approve of my behavior and constantly berated me for the mischief I caused. I was even given a good thrashing from my father from time to time. But I did not mend my ways until this incident.
I had just finished lunch at home and I was feeling very bored. My brothers and sisters, all of them older than I, had not returned home from school. I decided to walk around the neighborhood and I brought my trusty catapult with me.
Soon, I came to Mr. Lingam's house. His pet dog, a giant Schnauzer, was tied to a post outside his house. I looked around and saw that no one was in sight. I decided to make good use of my catapult and picked a few small pebbles from the ground and aimed at the dog. A few of the pebbles hit the poor dog and it began to howl and help in pain. Eventually, the dog's anger was aroused and it began growling and barking fiercely at me while it strained against the ropes to free itself. I laughed at the dog, feeling amused by my sadistic deed.
Suddenly, the rope that secured the dog snapped and the dog was free from its bonds. With a few powerful strides the dog was on me. Its teeth sank into the flesh of my calf. I screamed in pain and fright and fell to the ground.
Luckily, my screams brought Mr. Lingam running out of the house and he managed to free the dog's teeth from my calf. He brought the dog into his house and quickly brought me to the clinic. The doctor gave me an injection and dressed the wound.
I related the incident to the doctor and Mr. Lingam. The doctor chided me for being cruel to a helpless animal and asked me to be kind and considerate to all creatures in future.
I learnt my lesson that day. I have since stopped playing pranks and being cruel to helpless creatures.
Answer One Question from this Section
1. Write a letter to your friend who has been away from the country for a good number of years telling him or her about the menance of secret cults and their activities in the secondary school.
2. Describe how you would grow harvest and store one of the food crops in your locality.
3. Write a letter of complaint to the Editor of a newspaper on the poor service of our telecommunication providers.
4. Write a story that illustrates the saying "Once bitten, twice shy"
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